Letter to the Editor

Write a letter to the editor of ‘The Rising Nepal’ saying how you feel about the 10+2 students carrying mobiles.        

                                                                                                                                              Kalaiya, Bara

                                                                                                                                            Dec, 15,2015


The Editor,

The Rising Nepal,

Kathmandu, Nepal

P.O. Box n. …..

Dear Sir/Madam

       I would like to draw the attention of concerned authority about the 10+2 students carrying mobiles and pushing their career backward.

       The HSEB has announced the students and guardians the code of conducts for plus two students and request them to abide by the rules and all the higher schools have endorsed them. The plus two students aren’t wise enough to use smart phones wisely. They are tempted to misuse it. Nowadays, in the name of fashion, many youngsters carry expensive mobile phones. It causes great disturbance to teaching – learning  procedures.

        Most of the cases of ragging, fighting, gang fighting, suicide are somehow linked with the mobile phones. The young generations are being far from the reality. Mobile phones  results vulgarity, bad attitude and cyber crimes.

         Obviously students learn lots of things through mobile phones, but research says students using social networking sites a lot are weaker at study.

       Students of grade 11 and 12 are not allowed to use their mobile phones inside school premises. If they are found breaching this rule, school will confiscate their mobile, and will give it to their guardians. If those students repeat this act again, school will confiscate the mobile and can even fine Rs. 3,000.

        At last, I would like to request you to publish it in your newspaper to bring consciousness and the responsible authorities will take some decisive action as soon as possible.

                                                                                                                                        Yours Sincerely

                                                                                                                                        Priyanshu patel