Road Accident

Road Accidents

       Ans:-  Bikes, cars, buses trucks etc are driven on roads. When they aren’t managed nicely invite road accidents. According to WHO report  2013, road accidents are the eight leading cause of death globally and the fifth leading cause of the death of the youths. Worldwide every year above 1.3 million people lose their lives because of it. According to Nepalese traffic report 2068, nearly 1800 people died of death of road accidents that year.

      There are so many causes of road accidents. The main causes of the road accidents are carelessness of drivers, high speeding, drink-driving, over confidence, failure of engines, violation of traffic rules, rough roads difficult geographical structure, weathers  condition, tremendous growth of vehicles, improper traffic management, lack of implementation and so on. People don’t use helmets and seatbelts. Especially the youths are found overtaking others. They drive with over confidence. They think they will have longer their valuable lives in nothing bad will happen to them and they lose their valuables lives in no minutes. Over crowded passengers, wild or domestic animals are also the reasons for road accidents.

       Road accident kills the bread winner of a family, turns a marriage procession into cemetery, and kills a bus full of passengers. It sometimes makes handicapped, injures seriously. Life has no guarantee.

       Every problem has solution. First people concerned should be well informed about the traffic rules. Second punishment to the violators of traffic should be more. Someone turns without blinking side lights, or parks randomly or stops at no stoppage section such rule violators should be punished. The road stakeholders should be paid only after the guarantee period. Everybody should support the campaign of traffic police and social organizations.

        Traffic education should be practical. The radio, TV, cinemas, hoarding boards should spread awareness for road safety. School, colleges should take interest in the program organized by traffic.

        Accidents happen both in developed or underdeveloped countries like Australia, Canada, UK, Sweden and others but they implemented wisely and reduced the accidents rates. We should at least follow their footsteps.